Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Obama apologizes to Afghanistan over Quran burnings

KABUL, Afghanistan -- President Barack Obama has written a letter to his Afghan counterpart apologizing for the burning of copies of the Quran at a NATO military base in the country. Two U.S. soldiers were also shot dead Thursday at a protest about the desecration of the holy books.

A man wearing an Afghan government soldier's uniform killed the American troops and wounded four others at the demonstration in Nangarhar province, officials told NBC News.

There have been violent protests daily since it emerged on Tuesday that Qurans used by detainees held at the Bagram military base had been burned. The incident has become a public relations disaster for foreign forces in Afghanistan .......... read more>>


al-Hamdulillâhi Rabbi l-'Aalamîn, was-Salâtu was-Salâmu 'ala l-Haadi l-Aameen, Rasûlin 'âlaminah wa l-Umiyyîn.. al-Mursalâti rahmatan li l-'Âlamîn...

There is no doubt that death ends the delights and pleasure of this life, as the Messenger of Allaah sal-Allaahu 'alayhi wa-salaam has told us:

"Increase in your remembrance of the destroyer of pleasures (ie. death). For verily, one who remembers it when enduring the hardships of like, it widens for him (ie. he no longer feels overburdened with the hardships he is experiencing). Whenever one remembers it at times of opulence, it will cause him to feel restricted and burdened (ie. he will not then be too involved with this life and will start to reflect on the serious and heavy matters awaiting him)".[1]

The pleasures are what prevent a tear to be shed, nor any sadness and ......... read more>>
