Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Obama apologizes to Afghanistan over Quran burnings

KABUL, Afghanistan -- President Barack Obama has written a letter to his Afghan counterpart apologizing for the burning of copies of the Quran at a NATO military base in the country. Two U.S. soldiers were also shot dead Thursday at a protest about the desecration of the holy books.

A man wearing an Afghan government soldier's uniform killed the American troops and wounded four others at the demonstration in Nangarhar province, officials told NBC News.

There have been violent protests daily since it emerged on Tuesday that Qurans used by detainees held at the Bagram military base had been burned. The incident has become a public relations disaster for foreign forces in Afghanistan .......... read more>>


al-Hamdulillâhi Rabbi l-'Aalamîn, was-Salâtu was-Salâmu 'ala l-Haadi l-Aameen, Rasûlin 'âlaminah wa l-Umiyyîn.. al-Mursalâti rahmatan li l-'Âlamîn...

There is no doubt that death ends the delights and pleasure of this life, as the Messenger of Allaah sal-Allaahu 'alayhi wa-salaam has told us:

"Increase in your remembrance of the destroyer of pleasures (ie. death). For verily, one who remembers it when enduring the hardships of like, it widens for him (ie. he no longer feels overburdened with the hardships he is experiencing). Whenever one remembers it at times of opulence, it will cause him to feel restricted and burdened (ie. he will not then be too involved with this life and will start to reflect on the serious and heavy matters awaiting him)".[1]

The pleasures are what prevent a tear to be shed, nor any sadness and ......... read more>>

Learn Quran To Realize The Importance Of Forgiveness In Islam

Of all things that Allah Almighty has created, human beings are very special, much exalted in their status as compared to everything else that we see furnishing and beautifying the whole universe. This is because human beings embrace Allah Almighty’s biggest blessing that also leads to toughest accountability, i.e., the intellect.

Human Intellect

People might end up defining human intellect in myriads of ways, but its simple interpretation pertains to human being’s decision and opinion in favor or against anything (or any matter). However, Allah (SWT) awarded human beings the custodianship of this intellect not without the bar of accountability, and that is what makes being human so special. It is simply analogous to “higher the risk higher the reward”.

Forgiveness in relation to human intellect ............. read more>>

Women’s Status – As It Is Actually In Islam And As It Is Portrayed

One of the testaments to the truth and reality of Islam is the fact that ever since its inception, it has been under the attack of so many enemies collectively; but the number of its followers is increasing till date despite all odds. In fact, this number has gone much higher in recent past, despite the efforts of Islam’s enemies to subdue it by spreading different false perceptions about it in masses through their stronghold on popular media.
Of all the propaganda against Islam, one of the most favorite areas of Islam-haters is the women’s status in Islam. As mentioned earlier, with their influence on almost all popular media of the world, anti-Islam forces keep trying to propagate falsely that Islam is some sort of anti-women religion that has nothing else to do other than suppress, disrespect, and disgrace women. Oh God! How ironic it is that such people try to portray Islam as an anti-women ......... read more>>

The Battle of Badr

The Great Expedition of Badr took place in Ramadan, 2 A.H. Allah called this battle ‘The Day of Distinguishing.’ Allah says, ‘if you believe in Allah and what We sent down on Our servant on the Day of Distinguishing, the day the two hosts met.’ (8: 41)

The Messenger of Allah had heard that Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, who was extremely hostile to Islam, was coming from Syria with a large trading caravan belonging to the Quraysh. They were carrying a vast quantity of wealth and merchandise. War had been declared between the Muslims and the idol-worshippers and the Quraysh had been spending their wealth on fighting Islam. Their cavalry would occasionally reach the borders of Madinah and the grazing areas used by the Muslims’ animals.

When the Messenger of Allah heard about this caravan, he sent Muslims to attack it. He did not attach much importance to the confrontation and did not issue a compulsory order to wage war.

When Abu Sufyan heard that the Messenger of Allah was coming towards him he sent to Makkah for help from the Quraysh to protect him from the Muslims. When this plea reached the people of Makkah, they decided that it must be serious. They prepared themselves quickly and departed. All of their nobles, apart from Abu Lahab, went to help and he appointed a man to take his place .............. read more>>

The Creation of Prophet Adam

Allah created Prophet Adam (Alayhis-salam) out of clay, and taught him the names of all things. He placed the things before the angels and asked the angels to tell Him the names of them, but the angels answered, “You are the exalted, and we know nothing except what you have taught us.” Allah then asked Adam (Alayhis-salam) the same question, and Adam (Alayhis-salam) was able to answer correctly.

Allah ordered the angels to bow down to Prophet Adam (Alayhis-salam) and they did so. But Iblis, or Shaitan, did not bow down. When Allah asked, “What kept you from bowing down when I commanded you ?” Iblis answered, “I am better than he. I was created from fire while he was made from clay.”

Upon hearing this response, Allah threw Shaitan out of paradise, but Shaitan vowed that he would lie in wait for Prophet Adam (Alayhis-salam) and his descendants, trying to divert them from the Straight Way. To which Allah replied, “If any of them follow you, Hell will I fill with you all.”

Meanwhile, Allah had created a wife, Hawa, for Prophet Adam (Alayhis-salam), and he told them to live in the garden of paradise, Jannah, but he warned them to stay away from one particular tree, lest it bring harm to them. Shaitan started whispering suggestions to ................ read more>>

Monday, 23 April 2012

Special Deeds of Our Beloved Prophet (SAWS) in Ramadan

Ramadan is the month at whom arrival, Muslims are delightful and the entire environment, the aroma around the entire neighborhood changes that makes it even more predictive that The Month of Blessings and Mercy has began where uplift in faith results in more attention towards prayers, worship, Quran recitation & a clear inclined in sins is the month of Ramadan.
Ramadan with its blessing offers such opportunities that entire Muslims Umah change their timings / routine for eating, standing in prayer, sleeping as they do not seek anything else but forgiveness with complete submission to Allah (SWT). Seeking blessings, mercy and forgiveness for the life herein and hereafter as the result of a month long ritual of devotion, piety and abstinence.
It is of the fact that many of us Muslims prepare for the very special month and it is of a fact that the diverse cultures are to establish and make certain aspects prevail in their own role playing duties. Special worshipping and praying in Ramadan may affect their practice as the timings of office
On the other hand a school / college student may find it difficult to set aside their studies however praying and Quran Recitation should be done with Taraweeh, while house wives............... read more>>

How To Prepare For Ramadan

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, all praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger)
O you who believe! Observing al-sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become al-muttaqoon (the pious). (Quran al-Baqarah 2:183)
Before we start to know how to prepare for Ramadan, I would like to tell you all my brothers and sisters the importance of this Holy month in our loves and how Allah (SWT) and our Beloved Prophet has mentioned again and again of this Month’s greatness.
To all who are able-bodied and mature enough to fast be prepared of the fact that the beautiful month is about to arrive and appropriate understanding is ideal to make the most out of it in the given month spiritually and physically.
Remember, this is the month of achieving great heights rather than following the misconceptions of normal people taking Ramadan as a month of eating and drinking and just consider to the extent of keeping their bellies filled ignoring the fact that they are required to worship and piety following certain aspects exclusive to the month of Ramadan.
To follow the best practice and prepare for the month of Ramadan ......... read more>>

Quran Recitation Story

It dates back to early 2005, when a Muslim family in Maryland, USA ran through extreme difficulty finding a reliable Quran teacher for religious education of their children. Though there was a Sunday learning program at local mosque, but it was far from delivering one-on-one tutoring experience. This led a man with a vision to initiate online QURAN reading and Recitation program, catering the need of one-on-one online tutoring with live Qur'an tutor, making Quran learning a highly convenient affair. Today, we enjoy the honor of being the best ........... read more>>

Pillars of Islam

There are 5 Pillarsa of Islam which are mentioned as under.
1. Faith
2. Prayer
5. Pilgrimage (Hajj)

There is no god worthy of worship except God and Muhammad is His messenger. This declaration of faith is called the Shahada, a simple formula which all the faithful pronounce. In Arabic, the first part is la ilaha illa Llah - 'there is no god except God'; ilaha (god) can refer to anything which we may be tempted to put in place of God - wealth, power, and the like. Then comes illa Llah: 'except God', the source of all Creation. The second part of the Shahada is Muhammadun rasulu'Llah: 'Muhammad is the messenger of God.' A message of guidance has come through a man like ourselves ............... read more>>

Sunday, 22 April 2012


Now u can also download E QURAN from that given below link ............... read more>>

Salaato Salaam / Tasleem … Is it quranic?

This very common phrase (AL-SALAT ALA AL-NABI and AL-TASLEEM) derives from the following verse:
1. Allah and His angels send (yusalloona) blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! send ye (salloo) blessings on him and (sallimu) salute him with all respect. 33:56
Innallaaha wa malaaikatahu yu salloo na alan nabi yaa aiyuhal lazeena aamanu salloo alaihi wa  salli  mu   tasleema
Immediately after the completion of this verse the Muslims say this:
SAHIH BUKHARI 8:368  & 4:589     Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Laila
Ka’b bin ‘Ujra met me and said, “Shall I give you a present? Once the Prophet came to us and we said, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! We know how to greet you; but how to send Salat upon you? He said, ‘Say: Allahumma Salli ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala Ali Muhammadin, kama sal-laita ‘ala all Ibrahima innaka Hamidun Majid. Allahumma barik ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala all Muhammadin, kama baarakta ‘ala all Ibrahima, innaka Hamidun Majid.’ “
Ka’b bin Ujrah met me and said, “Shall I not give you a present I got from the Prophet?” ‘Abdur-Rahman said, “Yes, give it to me.” I said, “We asked Allah’s Apostle saying, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! How should one (ask Allah to) send blessings on you, the members of the family, for Allah has taught us how to salute you (in the prayer)?’ He said, ‘Say: O Allah! Send Your Mercy on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad, as You sent Your Mercy on Abraham and on the family of Abraham, for You are the Most Praiseworthy, the Most Glorious. O Allah! Send Your Blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You sent your Blessings on Abraham and on the family of Abraham, for You are the Most Praiseworthy ............. read more>>

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Allah 99 Names

"He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, The Fashioner, to Him belong the most beautiful names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, do declare His praises and glory. And He is the Exalted in Might, The Wise. (Quran 59:24)
"The most beautiful names belong to God: so call on Him by them;..." (7:180)
It is not possible to perfectly translate the names and attributes of Allah from their original Arabic into English. However, here are some fairly close explanations.
  1. Allah
    • Allah, He who has the Godhood which is the power to create the entities.
  2. Ar-Rahmaan
    • The Compassionate, The Beneficient, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and especially for the believers in the hereafter.
  3. Ar-Raheem
    • The Merciful, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers.
  4. Al-Malik
    • The King, The Sovereign Lord, The One with the complete Dominion, the One Whose Dominion is clear from imperfection.
  5. Al-Quddoos
    • The Holy, The One who is pure from any imperfection and clear from children and adversaries.
  6. As-Salaam
    • The Source of Peace, The One who is free from every imperfection.
  7. Al-Mu'min
    • Guardian of Faith, The One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him .................... read more>>

Benefits of Becoming a Muslim

1 .As far as the Creator (whose proper name is Allah) is concerned, you will be able to identify Him and get to know Him, His role and your relationship to His names, you will be able to communicate with Him any time, 24 hours a day, throughout the whole year. As a result of this category, you will be able to know your origin, your roots and the wisdom as to why you are on this planet. You will be able to have good answers to the questions why, how, when, where, what and other philosophical questions.

2. As a result of the first benefit, your loyalty, allegiance, and obedience will be to the Creator himself. You will transcend yourself from all types of allegiance for this world. This means that if there is a conflict of interest between your boss, your job, your government, your system or any worldly relationship with the Creator, you will undoubtedly put your trust in Allah, the Creator of the universe. You will follow Him before you follow anyone else.

3. As a result of the second benefit, you will be able to acquire peace, harmony, tranquility and happiness within yourself, with your family, with people of the world, with the environment and with the universe. One has to remember that the source of peace is Allah, and one of his beautiful names is that He is The Peace.

4 .As an endorsement to the third benefit, you will get rid of the extra electrostatic charges from your brain and the central nervous system by performing the daily Salah. Through Salah, you are to prostrate by putting your forehead to the floor; and as such are grounding yourself, and you are discharging these extra charges into the ground. As a result of this act, you will get rid of many of the neurological diseases from your body. (Praying five times a day also improves the actions and behavior of a person in his life when performed regularly and accurately in the mosque. Another benefit is love towards others.)

5. As a result of the fourth benefit, you will acquire a pleasant personality. You will be friendly and amicable. You would not need to drink alcohol, to use drugs or to get involved in vulgarity or immorality.

6 .Through the experience of fasting in Islam, you will be able to have self-control, self-restraint, self-discipline, self-education, self-evaluation, and self-obedience to Allah the Creator. You undoubtedly will be able to improve health, personality, character, and behavior.

7. As a result of the sixth benefit, you will be able to control your lusts, selfishness, desires, greed, ego, and conceitedness.

8. Another side reaction of the sixth and seventh benefits is that you will be generous and hospitable; you will try to purify yourself and your mistakes by sharing your happiness and your wealth with those who are less fortunate than you. Your rewards will manifold, compounded daily until the Day of Judgment.

9. By performing pilgrimage to Makkah, you will transcend yourself from being nationalistic, sectarian, or denominational into being universal. You will be part and an essential constituent of the rainbow of Islam. You will be also part of the brotherhood of Islam with those who already submitted themselves to the Creator. At the same time, you will get rid of any inferiority or superiority complexes. You will also find yourself in synchrony and harmony with all the prophets and messengers of Allah since the creation of Adam and Eve until the last final messenger to mankind, prophet Muhammad (pbuh). While in Makkah, you will be able to visit the places of revelation of the Quran as well as the places visited by prophet Abraham and members of his family such as Hagar and Ishmael. You will visit the place where the first astronauts, Adam and Eve landed on earth ................ read more>>



(JANNATI ZEWAR SAFA-214) ...........               ............... read more>>

The story of Luqman from the Quran (and Ibn Kathir)

The story of Luqman is mentioned in Sura Luqman (31:12-19). More about Luqman is stated in Ibn Kathir’s book, “Stories of the Prophet”. A summary of that story is stated below.

Luqman Ibn ‘Anqa’ Ibn Sadun or, as stated by As-Suhaili from Ibn Jarir and Al-Qutaibi, Luqman Ibn Tharan, was from among the people of Aylah (Jerusalem). He was a pious man who exerted himself in worship and who was blessed with wisdom.
Sufyan Ath- Thawri narrated from Al-Ash’ath after ‘Ikrimah on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) that he was an Ethiopian slave who worked as a carpenter. Qatadah narrated from Abdullah Ibn Az-Zubair that Jabir Ibn ‘Abdullah when asked about Luqman, said: “He was short with a flat nose. He was from Nubia.”
Yahia Ibn Sa’ id Al-Ansari said after Sa’ id Ibn Al-Musayib that Luqman belonged to the black men of Egypt. He had thick lips and Allah the Almighty granted him wisdom but not prophethood. ‘Umar Ibn Qais and Al-A’mash narrated after Mujahid: Luqman was a huge black slave, thicklipped. While he was preaching a man who used to know him saw him and said: “Aren’t you the slave of so and so who used to look after my sheep not so long in the past?” Luqman said: “Yes!” The man said: “What raised you to this high state I see?” Luqman said: “The Divine Decree, repaying the trust, telling the truth and discarding and keeping silent regarding what does not concern me.” (This Hadith was narrated by Ibn Jarir after lbn Hamid after Al-Hakam.)
Ibn Wahb narrates that Luqman’s answer to the question about what had raised his status that people came to him for advice was: “Lowering my gaze, watching my tongue, eating what is lawful, keeping my chastity, undertaking my promises, fulfilling my commitments, being hospitable to guests, respecting my neighbors, and discarding what does not concern me. All these made me the one you are looking at.” Abu Ad-Darda’ added that................ read more>>


Allaah is the proper name applied to the true God who exists necessarily by Himself comprising all the excellent Divine names and attributes of perfection. Allaah is One and Unique. He has no son, no partner, nor equal. He is the sole Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Every creature bears witness to His Oneness, Divinity, and Ruboobiyyah [Ruboobiyyah, inf. of Rubb], and to the uniqueness of His attributes and names.
His essence does not resemble the essences. He does not inhere in anything, nor does anything inhere in Him. "There is none like unto Him." He is the One, the Sole, the Indivisible. He is the Rubb [Some translate the term 'Rubb' into 'Lord', the meaning of 'Rubb' is far more comprehensive than to be restricted to a single word such as 'Lord'. Rubb, means, among other things, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Provider, and the One in whose hands is the disposal of all affairs], who accomplishes all affairs, Allaah is the Omnipotent and the Omniscient.
His knowledge comprehends in perfect manner all things, hidden or manifest. He is greater than can be encompassed by the knowledge of His creatures. He knows everything, and He is aware of all that takes place in the earth and the heavens. Allaah, the Supreme, is the Rubb of everything and has a free hand in disposal of all affairs. His mercy encompasses everything. He is far removed from injustice or tyranny. He is wise in all His actions, just in all His decrees. His justice ensures order in the universe in which nothing is out of order.................... read more>>

Know The Quran


Does the Quran urge Muslims to kill infidels? Or is it a book of peace? You can read commentary on the Quran all day long, but in the back of your mind you know you may be getting more spin than facts. The only solution is to find out for yourself. And it is easy to do.

Does the Quran tell Muslims to make war on unbelievers? I originally wanted to check this out for myself because I was skeptical that the villainizing of Islam could be Christian or Jewish or Hindu propaganda.

So I found web sites that have English translations of the Quran online like the ones above. I picked a chapter at random, which in this case was chapter 8, known as Al-Anfal (every chapter has a name) and read through it. Here are some of the verses from that chapter:


See more on... read more>>

Love of Quran

It is an undeniable fact that no book was ever held as dear as the Quran. There are numerous inspiring stories of people’s love of Quran. We need not go in the distinct past; a look at the biographies of our Ulama who passed away in the recent years is enough to prove this fact. Ramadan is the month of Quran, so we mention a few stories of the servants of Quran.
(1) Syed Ata Ullah Shah Bukhari (rahimahullah) was blessed with immense love of Quran. He used to say in his speeches: “In my life, there is only one thing that I love and only one thing that I hate. It is Quran that I love and it is the British that I hate.” In fact his love of Quran would force him to hate the British. Jews and Christians harbour hardnosed enmity towards Islam and this fact is spread over the holy pages of Quran.

(2) Hazrat Maulana Qari Fateh Muhammad had devoted himself for the service of Quran. Mufti Taqi Usmani rightly says: “Qari Fateh Muhammad was a living miracle of Quran. His tongue was all the time busy reciting the Quran. He was always engrossed in thinking the best ways of spreading Quran education. He was at home in different accents of recitation. During Ramadan, he would lead the prayer of traveeh and recite seven to ten parts of Quran in one night. In this way he would complete the Quran in three or four days. Then he would again recite the whole Quran in some other accent. By the end of Ramadan he would recite the Quran for about ten times in traveeh alone.

(3) Sheikh-ul-Hadith Maulana Zakariya (rahimahullah) was a hafiz and recite the Quran immensely. For 42 years, it had been his routine that he would recite the whole Quran in each day of Ramadan. About his family women, he used to say, “Our family women spend most of their night time in listening to Quran and in the day time, it is their routine to recite about one half of the Quran. My grandmother was hafiz and it was her routine to recite one manzil of the Quran daily. And during Ramadan, she would recite the whole Quran plus one-third of it again in one day. In addition to this, she would recite thousands of tasbeeh as her permanent routine.

(4) Hazrat Mufti Rasheed Ahmad (rahimahullah) memorized the whole Quran in just three months at the age of 46 years. He did this in such a way that he would easily memorize one part of the Quran in one hour. Despite his tough scholarly engagements, he would spend a large amount of his time in reciting the Quran. He would recite five parts in day and as many at night in tahajjud prayer ........... read more>>
