Thursday 6 October 2011

Are Imam Mehdi and the Dajjal mentioned in the Holy Qur’an?

Imam Mehdi (ie the 12th imam) Dont believe in as its not in the quran it is very persude in the Shiite faith but remeber the Quran is what makes a muslim not Haddiths and in the Quran EXPLICITLY it clearly mentions to all muslims not to split up the religions into sects according to believes either through Haddiths or political reasons or any reason for that matter, there is no such thing as shiite, sunni or any other muslim there is only islam and its practisers are ‘muslims’ the dajjal is mentioned in very many haddiths again it is not in the Quran and for good reason. Haddiths practise Sunnah according to MAN they are not divine scripure like The Holy Quran. The Quran is a flawless book whos name is being corrupted by bad practise and false beliefs .......... read more>>

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